This is the BWIA British West Indies Airline textures for fs 200.using reference images from is pretty much my first real repaint of an aircraft but I enjoyed it enough to continue painting :). I hope you enjoy it. Please email with you comments and critisicm (both constructive critisicm and general abuse noted) to
Please read the original aircraft readme.txt for further information, license agreement and full credits for the designers of the original paint and model.

Luke Dalby

Known issues:
Unfortunatly the tail section textures do not match well, they appear to match perfectly when looking at them from the side at about ground level but from above they are way off. If anyone can correct this feel free to use my paint in whatever way it may be needed. I believe the original aircraft readme file gives permission for repaints so long as they are to be distributed as freeware, however I emailed just to make sure. If anyone does correct the tail faults there is no need to ask me for permission but I would like to know if someone does (just because I want to see a perfect version of this aircraft out there :) ). If anyone spots any other painting errors please report them to me and ill try to fix them.

Install Notes:
//Requires original Kittyhawk 737-800 aircraft\\
1.If this is the first repaint of this aircraft you simply have to extract the .cfg file and the texture.1 folder into the main aircraft folder overwriting the original .cfg
2.If you have already installed repaints for this aircraft you will need to extract texture.1 and rename it to texture.x (where x is the next highest number). Then In you .cfg file you will have to add these lines:

title=Boeing 737-800_BWIA West Indies
texture=y <kb_checklists=Boeing737-400_check
ui_variation=BWIA West Indies
description=Kittyhawk Studios 737-800, Repaint by Abyss

(Again where x is the next highest number in sequence and y is equal to the number you named you texture folder .eg if you called it texture.6 then y should equal 6).

Luke Dalby